1.5+ years manufacturing experience. FPY continue improvements.
2.Knowledge for all test procedures.
3.Good quality experience for IQC/OQC and PQE.
4.Experience for new supplier audit.
5.Familiar with plastic parts improvement follow up.
1.5+ years purchasing experience, direct purchasing for manufacturing.
2.IC/Memory/Connector/PCB experience, Localization suppliers Experience for cost reduction.
3.EMS selection experience
4.Logistic/Freight Forwarders selection experience
5.Suppliers management
1.5+ years quality experience for QMS, internal audit and support external audit.
2.Worldwide Certifications, Import & Export Control, RoHS3.0 and REACH management
3.Customer quality issue follow up, and double check for return goods.
4.New supplier audit, and improvements follow up.
5.IQC/OQC/PQE Experience.
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