Part1, Project Description:
With the development of economic globalization, AliExpress has grown stronger overseas. In order to serve oversea customers better and meet their needs, Cainiao Group aims to reduce the logistics lead time and cost. Cainiao Group plans to find the partners, who have the following abilities:
1. 中亚俄语系国家(哈萨克斯坦及其周边):国内至目的国的物流解决方案(可整体也可分段),建议陆运。
2. 俄罗斯:国内至俄罗斯境内的大件运输解决方案(可整体也可分段)。
3. 东欧俄语系国家(白俄罗斯及其周边):特货陆运解决方案,大件陆运解决方案。
4. 在阿联酋周边国家可以提供陆路运输方案的资源,主要涉及阿曼、沙特、卡塔尔几个国家
5. 韩国:本地卡车运输资源(城市间)、末端派送资源、大件配送资源
6. 摩洛哥&尼日利亚:清关&末端派送资源
7. 巴西:商清方案;特货解决方案;海外仓
8. 美国:特货解决方案
9. 东欧:干线,清关,本地配送解决方案
1.The countries in Central Asia, who speak Russian, e.g. Kazakhstan and around: The logistics solution from China to the destination country/countries, whole solution or separately, and suggest land transportation solution.
2. Russia: The logistics solution for large package from China to Russia, whole solution or separately.
3. The countries in Eastern Europe, who speak Russian, e.g. Belarus and around: The logistics solution of land transportation for special goods, and for large package.
4.In the surrounding countries of the UAE, can provide land transportation solutions, mainly involving Oman, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar.
5.Korea: Truck transportation between city, last mile service, large parcels delivery
6.Morocco& Nigeria: Customs clearance & last mile service
7.Brazil: Commercial customs clearance; the logistics solution for special goods; overseas warehouse.
9.USA: The logistics solution for special goods.
10. Eastern Europe: the logistics solutions of truck service, customs clearance and local delivery.
Part two, Applying qualification:
1.Have the right to sign the contract independently and the capacity to bear civil liability.
2.Have the good corporation credit and positive financial condition.
3.Have had no experience of any illegal behaviors and penalty record within recent three years.
4.Have strong technology and adequate capitals, have steady team members for the development and maintenance of the system.
5.Have similar project experience and related certification for local logistics company.
Part 3, Application materials:
1. Introduction of company, including organizational structure, qualification certification, award certification, personnel composition, and bad record/records if any.
2. The copy of qualified business license, the copy of organization code certification, the copy of tax registration certificate, or the copy of the business license with the three parts together.
3. The successful case with brief description, related to our project.
4. Team scale and brief introduction.
5. The solution and basic quotation for destination country.
Part 4, The announcement deadline:
The deadline of registration: 2020/12/10
电话:+86 18956393909
Part 5: Contact information
Company:Zhejiang Cainiao Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd
Address:B1-2, Post Station Shouzuo Xixi Zhongjieneng 588 Wenyi W Rd Hangzhou, 310012 China
Contact person:Kyra Ye
Phone number:+86 18956393909
Special note: All information posted on this platform is not regarded as any invitation, or commitment. We will further screen qualified suppliers for subsequent procurement activities and reserve the final right of explanation within the scope of permission by law.
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