近日,长荣海运发布了一则“涨价通知”,通知称将从5月1日起对美国目的港的车架收费上涨50% :由原来的每箱80美元调整为120美元。
Dear Esteemed Customer and to whom it may concern,
We hereby to inform you that we are going to implement Chassis Usage Charge - Port ofDischarge (CUC/D) on May 01, 2023 with FMC filing. The details are as follows for your commercial consideration:
Rule:@21-C04 Chassis Usage Charge - Port of Discharge (CUC/D)
Effective date: May 01,2023
Chassis Usage Charge - in the United States only:
Notwithstanding any other terms, provisions and conditions of the Carrier'sTariff rule or Equipment Interchange Agreements set forth in this Tariffincluding subsequent amendments and revision thereto, governing the interchangeand use by Shippers, Consignees or their agents of equipment provided by theCarrier,the following chassis usages rules shall apply:
Chassis Usage Charge (CUC/D) (initial period of use). A chassis usage chargeshall apply to all shipments that are destined to US states for which a Carrier-provided standard chassis with not more than 2 axles is used in theUnited States.
For Dry Standard and Dry Special Equipment Cargo :
Chassis usage shall be calculated from the day of interchange plus four (4) working days,i.e. excluding Saturday, Sundays and Holidays.
USD 80 120 per container
For Reefer Cargo :
Chassis usage shall be calculated from the day of interchange plus three (3)working days,i.. excluding Saturday,Sundays and Holidays.
USD 80 120 per container
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