1. Active acquisition of customers for the parcel locker service
2. Business analysis of potential and current customers of the company
3. Preparation of calculations and commercial presentations for clients
4. Conducting trade negotiations with clients
5. Coordinating the customer's sales and implementation process in the field of the parcel locker service
6. Building long-term relationships, systematic care and development of cooperating clients
7. Constant monitoring of the market in the field of parcel locker services and solutions
8. Participation in additional projects implemented in the company
9. Responsibility for the development of Cainiao brand on the logistics market
10. Cooperation with departments of company for implementing the client's development strategy
Building Cainiao brand awareness
1. 3 years of business development or sales experience
2. 2 years of work experience in an e-commerce company Fulfillment / contract logistics / warehouse logistics
3. Knowledge of the local language and English at a level that allows free communication (min. B2), Chinese is a plus
4. High goal orientation
5. Ability to build long-term business relationships
6. Independence and active approach to assigned tasks
7. Ability to learn quickly, resistance to stress
8. Excellent analytical skills
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